How to Make Time for Your Processes

“I know processes are important, but I just don’t have time to sit down and do them.”

If that phrase sounds familiar, then you’re in the right place. I hear it all the time, and it’s a common issue among business owners to set processes by the wayside until a moment opens up.

Unfortunately, moments don’t open on their own. Instead, you have to create the time to make your processes. Otherwise, they don’t get done, and your business will suffer.

Here’s how.

Time Block

I’ve talked about time blocking before, but it’s one of the best ways to map out your schedule and dedicate specific time to different tasks.

Despite the myth, you don’t need to spend hours working on your processes. I suggest adding a 15-30 minute time block to your daily calendar and using it to get as much done as possible. Then, set it aside until the next time block.

It’s an easy, efficient way to dedicate some time to your processes, and you can get a lot done during those 30 minutes if you focus on them. Plus, by blocking it into your calendar, you can easily integrate it into your existing schedule- saving you time (and a headache) in the long run.

Record Your Tasks

Another myth is that processes need a written SOP. While it can help, you do not have to write every SOP- but you should record it somehow.

For example, if you’re already going through a process, pull up a video recorder and let it run in the background. Then, go through each task as usual and add explanations.

Voila! A natural progression of tasks recorded and ready to go.

Try using Loom or Tango to capture video walk-throughs of your processes. You could also create voice memos or take screenshots of each step- whichever way is easiest for you to record and share the tasks.

I like this method because you can record your processes as they happen, which makes it easier on your schedule- as long as you remember.

Hire Someone

Finally, the last way to dedicate some time to your processes is to let someone else handle it.

You could hire a team member to create, update, and maintain your basic processes. That way, you can delegate that part of your business and spend your valuable time elsewhere. However, be aware that if you go this route, you’ll need to lay out all the processes at the beginning so they know what they’re doing, how, and where to go.

On the other hand, if you need more complex processes (or don’t want to add another full-time team member), you could hire a systems and processes specialist.


Not only can we offer you top-notch processes that will keep your business purring like a kitten, but we can also save you time and money by:

  • Offering you tips on improving your processes
  • Ironing out complicated processes
  • Providing knowledge of automation and systems software
  • Helping you set it and forget it
  • Offering training for your team (yourself) on processes.
  • And more!

I’ve worked with over one hundred unique businesses and am happy to offer you a FREE Discovery Call to see if my services will fulfill your needs.

Click the link above, and let’s get you the processes you need to make your business a success.

Final Thoughts

I understand that you may not feel like you have the time to work on your processes, but- believe it or not- implementing processes will save you time and effort in the long run.

With the right processes, you can guide your team and give them the tools they need to complete their tasks without bothering you every step of the way. You can also lighten your load by creating a step-by-step guide on everything from client onboarding to crafting emails, which can, in turn, make your daily tasks more efficient.

With the tips above, you can prioritize your processes, shave hours off your schedule, and set your business up for success in no time.

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Meet Bai-Leigh

OBM & Systems Strategist

It’s time to strategize, scale, and skyrocket with systems. I’ve made it my mission to help simplify and streamline online businesses using the best systems and processes for you, the business owner.

I have helped over 100+ businesses scale their business using efficient and repeatable systems so that they can continue with their zone of genius while I take care of the rest.

From processes, systems, efficiencies, and automations – I do it all. If you’re looking for a strategic partner then you’ve come to the right place.

Interested in getting started? You can book a FREE Discovery Call below!

Client Onboarding Checklist

Provide your client with an automated and seamless experience – every time with this Client Onboarding checklist.

It covers all of the basic parts of onboarding and a few pieces to make onboarding stand out.

If you want to have clients buzzing about your onboarding you need this checklist.

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