
Tips for Starting a Business Today

For the last six years, I’ve devoted myself to helping others improve their businesses. I’ve also learned a lot about creating and managing businesses, and it’s interesting to look back and see how different things are now. 

Tools, processes, client needs, marketing- they’re all vastly different now than six years ago. However, the most notable change during that time is Me. 

Back then, I was naive and made plenty of mistakes in getting Valley Virtual Operations off the ground. Now, I can see those mistakes clearly, and I want to help you avoid them as much as possible. 

Here are five things I would do differently if I started my business today. 

Niche Down Immediately

At the beginning of my business, I took anyone and everyone on as a client. I didn’t know what to focus on, and my marketing was all over the place because of it. That confused my potential clients (as well as myself), and I lost out on countless of potential ideal clients because of it. 

If I were to start over today, I’d niche down almost immediately. It may seem like you’re missing out on support and clients, but trust me- the faster you niche down, the more organized and focused your business becomes. Then, you only have to worry about appealing to a specific audience and taking on the jobs you enjoy. 

Create Processes from the Beginning

If you know me, you know how much I rely on processes. However, that wasn’t always the case. 

In my first year of business, I didn’t have any processes in place. That led to a poor client experience because I was all over the place with my onboarding experience, levels of professionalism, and timelines. 

Now that I’m a systems and processes specialist, I can appreciate how valuable those are to my business. Therefore, if I were to start a business today, I would create a client onboarding process, a client journey process, an accounting process, and a payment process even before I had my first client.

These processes will keep you organized and focused and keep your clients happy for the long haul. Plus, with the payment process, you can ask for payments, charge late fees, and make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. 

Purchase the Right Systems

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of systems on the market today, and I wasn’t always the best at buying what my business needed. I didn’t have a growth plan for my business and began making needless purchases that I came to regret. 

For example, my first website was with Squarespace. However, since Squarespace didn’t have what I needed to grow my business, I had to transfer and redesign my site on WordPress, which suits me well.  

Now, I have a better idea of what systems to purchase. You want something easy to use, has the features you need, the features that you will need in the future, and fits within your budget. Anything else can wait. 

Focus on One Platform at a Time

When I started my business, I tried using every social media platform to spread the word and get as many clients as possible. We’re talking LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (now X), Facebook Groups, and more. 

It didn’t work. 

Social media is constantly changing, and trying to grow so many avenues at once spread me thin and kept me overwhelmed. 

Focusing on one platform at a time gives you a better chance of finding your ideal audience, creating a sustainable content flow, and growing your business with every new post. 

Invest In Yourself

I have always believed in investing in my personal growth, even at the beginning of my business. And, with the thousands of online courses available, you have endless possibilities for developing new skills, making connections, and turning your business into your dream. 

And, while it may seem scary at first, don’t be afraid to make bigger investments. Masterminds, some paid networking opportunities, and other big-ticket items are often game-changers and can boost your business immediately. 

Or, if your budget isn’t ready for that kind of commitment, there are always free courses you can take online to boost your personal growth. The key is to invest what you can- that way, you’re always learning, growing, and bettering yourself (and your business). 

Final Thoughts

These are the five things I would do if I started my business today. However, your business- your journey- will differ from mine, so you must find the things that work for you. 

These tips will help you give your new business a running start, as will these articles on Creating Habits for your Personal Life and 5 Ways to Increase Productivity

Check them out, and give your new business the fuel it needs to thrive.

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Meet Bai-Leigh

OBM & Systems Strategist

It’s time to strategize, scale, and skyrocket with systems. I’ve made it my mission to help simplify and streamline online businesses using the best systems and processes for you, the business owner.

I have helped over 100+ businesses scale their business using efficient and repeatable systems so that they can continue with their zone of genius while I take care of the rest.

From processes, systems, efficiencies, and automations – I do it all. If you’re looking for a strategic partner then you’ve come to the right place.

Interested in getting started? You can book a FREE Discovery Call below!

Client Onboarding Checklist

Provide your client with an automated and seamless experience – every time with this Client Onboarding checklist.

It covers all of the basic parts of onboarding and a few pieces to make onboarding stand out.

If you want to have clients buzzing about your onboarding you need this checklist.

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