
5 Ways to Build Healthy Habits

A habit is something we do consistently and (often) without thinking about it, and they’re essential to keeping our lives running smoothly. What’s more, they can trickle down into our businesses and help us be more structured, time-conscious, and productive. 

Therefore, we need to make sure our habits are healthy.

Here are five ways to build healthy habits that business owners everywhere can use- myself included.

Have A Routine

Believe it or not, a routine isn’t the same as a habit. However, they can become a habit, so you should have a few routines to help guide you throughout the day. 

I recommend starting with a Morning Routine, an Evening Routine, and a Work Routine. That way, you have all the key points of your day covered and know what to expect with each step. 

To learn more about structuring these routines, check out my article, Creating Habits for Your Personal Life. It has some great ideas and a good starting place for those new to habits.

Do the Thing You Hate First

We all have that one task that we hate to do. It may be laundry, dishes, meal prep, or one of the other never-ending chores that we have to do. However, the easiest way to combat that sense of dread is to do the hard task FIRST. 

It may seem counterproductive- who wants to start their day by doing what they hate?- but you can’t imagine the relief you’ll feel when the dreaded task is over and you still have the day ahead of you. 

And, if you get used to doing the hardest thing first, you’ll also boost your productivity, become more consistent in your daily routine, and find fewer ways to procrastinate- all skills that can help you become a better business owner.

Stack Your Habits

Habit stacking is when you add a new habit to something already in motion. For example, say you want to go to the gym but can’t find the time. Well, if you know you have to pick up your kids every afternoon (or go grocery shopping, visit the bank- any regular outing), leave an hour earlier and get that workout in. 

When we stack habits, we use what’s available to us instead of trying to reorganize our day for one new activity. Now, habit stacking does take some thought and a bit of planning, but the more you practice it, the better you’ll become. 

Start With Small Habits

Don’t try to take on everything at once. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your new life. You’ll skip habits or miss routines, but that’s ok. 

You’re human, and life has a way of being unpredictable despite our best efforts. 

That’s why I recommend starting small- like adding a morning routine to your day or making a habit of doing the dreaded task first- instead of trying to change your entire life overnight. 

By starting small, you can ease into the new routine or habit and give yourself time to adjust before piling on more. Think of it as a trial period- you get a chance to see how the new routine or habit will affect you before you bite off more. 

Do It Every Day

They say that practice makes perfect, and that’s doubly true when it comes to habits and routines. 

It can take anywhere from 1 to 6 months for a habit to stick, and the more you do it, the more likely you are to succeed. 

By practicing every day, you can take a new habit or routine and turn it into muscle memory before you know it. Yes, there will be days when you forget, or life throws something new at you, but the key is to pick it back up as soon as possible. 

Bonus Tip: Read Atomic Habits by James Clear

Reading is a huge part of my life, and I wouldn’t be the business owner I am today without the help of a few key books. 

Atomic Habits by James Clear is one of them, and he teaches us which projects deserve our time, which to avoid, and how to make every moment productive. 

I use Atomic Habits to take back my time and quit wasting it on busy work and other meaningless tasks. It has helped me become more organized, efficient, and productive. 

It’s the perfect companion for anyone looking to take back their time and form more meaningful habits, and I can’t recommend it enough.

Final Thoughts

Habits and routines are the backbone of a well-organized life, and they will improve every aspect of your life, not just the personal side.

By creating healthy habits and routines, you can become more productive and organized, and feel more satisfied with the use of your day. 

Isn’t that what we all want? 

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