
5 Ways to Improve Productivity

Now that you have systems and processes in your business, you have more free time to enjoy the finer parts of owning a business. 


If you read that statement and thought, “That’s not what I’m feeling,” guess what? You’re normal!

Even with systems and processes in place, it’s normal for business owners to find themselves overwhelmed with the business. However, the problem isn’t the new programs.

It’s your productivity. 

Every moment of your day is precious, and increasing productivity is the key to running a successful business. 

However, tapping into that productivity can be difficult. So, here are five ways to increase your productivity and find the freedom you deserve. 

Stop Multitasking

Running a business means wearing many hats, but we don’t have to wear them all at once. When we multitask, we risk losing time, motivation, and direction for a particular task. 

That’s because, according to the American Psychological Association, our executive control (the part of our brain that helps us make decisions throughout the day) has two complimentary settings: Goal Shifting (that task is a priority) and Rule Activation (here’s what we need to get it done). 

When we multitask, we prevent these settings from running efficiently and force them to pause and reboot every time we switch from one task to another. It may not sound like much, but those few seconds can quickly add up to hours, and hours soon turn to days- and that’s time you can’t afford to lose. 

That’s why we need to quit multitasking. Instead, focus all your time and effort on one task, check it off, and move on to the next one. 

Manage your Energy and Focus

When do you feel the most productive? For some, it’s right after they get out of bed. For others, it may come around mid-afternoon. 

No matter when you get that surge of “do everything now” energy, I want you to harness it for THE task. 

You know the one. It’s sat at the back of your mind for days, and you dread opening it up because something about it is difficult. 

We all have a task like that, and harnessing your energy surge is the perfect way to deal with it once and for all. 

Then, once you’ve checked it off your list, you can take a break, have a snack in celebration, and use the rest of the day to complete smaller tasks.

Your business should work for you, so there’s no need to adhere to the idea that morning people are more productive. Instead, focus on THE task whenever you get that spike in energy, and you’ll find yourself with a more productive day in no time. 

Set Your To-Do List

I love to-do lists! They’re a vital part of my productivity, and I want to teach you how to make them work in your favor. 

First, keep it contained to the day. If you make your to-do list too far in the future, you risk slipping back into multitasking mode- which, as we’ve established, isn’t good for your productivity. 

Instead, list 3-5 things that need to get done TODAY and stick with it. Begin with the hardest task of the day and end with the easiest, then work on it whenever your energy is highest. 

Combining a smaller to-do list with peak energy time makes for a more organized and productive business owner. Plus, you’ll also feel better about yourself by the end of the day, and that’s really all we want. Right? 

Have a Dedicated Workspace

Having a dedicated space for your work can increase your productivity by giving you a clean, quiet place to focus without distractions.

That means no social media, phone notifications, kids or other family members bothering you (unless it’s an emergency), and other distracting elements of a work-from-home business owner. 

Plus, having a dedicated workspace means you can leave your work self behind as soon as you cross the threshold. You also get to decorate it as you like, which can make you happier and more motivated. 

It’s your sanctuary. Where you can go to relax and focus on work, meet your deadlines, and not worry about the world outside for a few precious hours. 

And you can’t do that from a messy kitchen table. 

Set and Review Your Goals

When was the last time you looked at your goals? Or wrote them down? It’s probably time you did. 

Grab some paper or open a blank document and line out your goals for the business. Then, figure out the steps you’ll need to take to complete those goals. 

Once you have them lined out and sorted, label them as monthly, yearly, or otherwise. 

For your monthly goals, write them down and review them every day. For yearly or more long-term goals, you can check them once a week to make sure you’re on the path to success. 

At least two of your daily tasks should help you get closer to your goals, so reviewing them will help you stay organized and avoid any unnecessary time vortexes that could suck your productivity away. 

Final Thoughts

Even though processes and productivity go hand-in-hand, they don’t always line up immediately. It takes time to adjust, and some business owners find it challenging to let go and trust the process. 

Then, there’s the idea that when we have a vacuum in our workload (thanks to an efficient process), we may find ourselves trying to fill it instead of seeing it for what it is: Progress. 

If your productivity is suffering despite the systems and processes of your business, then you may need to reevaluate your approach to the business. 

By using these five tips, you’ll be able to reclaim your energy, focus your efforts, scale down your days, and let the processes do their job. 

Then, watch your productivity soar! 

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OBM & Systems Strategist

It’s time to strategize, scale, and skyrocket with systems. I’ve made it my mission to help simplify and streamline online businesses using the best systems and processes for you, the business owner.

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